(The subject reads, “There was an earthquake.”)
We had an earthquake this morning that made the news! It was actually under eastern Kyushu, but I guess it was deep enough, and strong enough, that Shikoku and the Chuugoku region of Honshu also felt it. I woke up at 5 AM for whatever reason, and at 5:01 the floor and my sliding wood-and-glass doors started to shake noticeably. It only registered as a high-3-pointer here.
Anyway, no damage done–just checking in, in case you see this on the news and are wondering. There were those major earthquakes in northern Japan earlier this year/late last year, which prompted a couple of worried e-mails from some folks, but those were way too far for me to feel them; Japan’s the size of California. This is only the second quake I’ve felt since arriving.
(Ooh, here it is.)