Almost there…

Okay, everything’s done…I lucked out and found a copy of my passport that I’d made, possibly for my actual interview. (It hit me that I still haven’t actually signed my passport, but the Italian authorities had no problem with it when we were over there 2 years ago… *coughcough*) The medical form’s filled out…I sort of “fudged” the eye part, because while my doctor was able to determine that I’m 20/20 in each eye with my contacts in, the only numbers I could get for my non-corrected eyes were off the actual contact cases.

Anyway, though–the Reply Form consists of:

  • a set of Program Notes (just guidelines to read over)
  • the actual 2-page Reply Form (name, birthday/birthplace, checkboxes for “yes, I accept” and “no, I do not” and a place to sign, permanent contact info, “will you be accompanied by your spouse/child,” the name of the regional airport you’ll be flying out of (you’re also provided a list of the airports the JET group is flying from), passport number, “do you have a valid visa to enter Japan” (it’s okay to say no–I think they’ll help us secure them), and a place for 2 identical passport photos)
  • aforementioned list of designated airports JET will be departing from (woo, lucky for me, Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson is one of them)
  • alterations to reply form – in case your name or contact info changes
  • medical form (name, DOB, age, sex, height (cm), weight (kg), blood pressure, pulse, eyesight with and without correction, colorblindness, hearing, speech, urinalysis, past history, chest x-ray (to check for TB)–you have to have it filled out by your doctor)

And I have to leave around 2 PM to give myself enough time to get to the Consulate General of Japan to drop it off in person, before dropping my car off at a friend’s place and taking MARTA to the airport for a weekend of geektastic Star Wars fun. Let’s just hope there won’t be any complications with submitting this, but I figure that if I can just drop it off at the front desk and have it in a properly addressed envelope, it should be no problem. At any rate, I’m off. :o)

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